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Femme stressé


Feminine guidance


Stop abuse*


It’s never easy to see yourself as a victim, especially when you are told that maybe you have attracted the abusive behaviour. A child doesn't seek to attract abuse, yet there are too many to count and a woman doesn't go all out to fall in love with a narcissistic perverse partner either.


Thanks to PHOTOtherapy you will take a voyage to the heart of your emotions to find explanations and finally overcome your doubts and fears. One thing is certain, you will come out stronger and more sure of what you want to see happen in your life and what you are no longer willing to accept.

I will ensure you  :

  1. know how to listen to your soul

  2. receive relevant messages from the guides and precious advice adapted to your situation 

  3. understand that the harm you have suffered was not inevitable and not  acceptable 
  4. feel in harmony once again with who you are and where you want to be today 

  5. learn how to heal yourself during and after this coaching  

  6. feel out of danger - no longer a victim, you will have regained control of your  life

  7. have let go of your past to live in the present and look forward to a better future.


During the sessions and through analysis of you photo choices (one positive and one negative) we will travel together through time and emotions, with the help of channeling. These privileged messages are unique to you and a full account will be sent by email at the end of each weekly coaching session. 

* PHOTOtherapy, is  a complement to medical traitement and does in no way replace it. It provides emotional support, a trigger for self-healing and a way of opening up to new wellness methods.

To book your free 30-minute phone call, please click here

Grâce aux conseils d'Alison ainsi qu'à sa bienveillance, j'ai pu retrouver confiance en moi et être guidée tout au long de mon parcours avec elle. Son écoute attentive et sa compréhension m'ont été précieuses, me permettant d'atteindre mon objectif et d'obtenir mon examen. Un grand merci pour votre patience et votre aide inestimable. Je vous recommande Alison les yeux fermés.


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