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Feminine guidance
Feminine fertility

PHOTOtherapy, is  a complement to medical traitement and does in no way replace it. It provides emotional support, a trigger for self-healing and a way of opening up to new wellness methods.

Sometimes a woman wanting to have a child is lost and feels the societal pressure to be successful by becoming a mother. Procreation is never so simple. It’s not because we want to that we can, if you can’t have children (and you genuinely want them), here’s what I can do to help you.


  1. I can help you identify the blocking factors.

  2. With my help, you will connect to your inner voice and receive the answers to your questions.

  3. Thanks to your choice of a card from my oracles, you will be able to put your finger on one or more of the sources of your soul's suffering.

  4. My channeled meditation is personalized and adapted to your needs, allowing you to relax enough to open the way to a successful session.

  5. The 2 photos you choose, one generating negative feelings and the other positive ones, will be the start of a self-healing process, that you will instigate thanks to my channelings. The messages you will receive in response to your feelings from each photo, will be extremely precise and of great use in your evolution.

  6. You will receive messages and instructions that are clear and simple to apply, while being valuable, yet not surprising by their content. Simply because, without realizing it, your soul knows and holds all the answers. Sometimes someone outside of your problems is needed, to shed light on the subject, that’s my role.

  7. With great gentleness and encouraged by the love of our guides, we will accompany you on this beautiful journey, to the heart of your fears and obstacles, in order to overcome them and get rid of them once and for all.

  8. The restitution of the session with which you will leave, will provide you with keys and exercises to do before we next meet. I will always be available for any further questions on this subject, knowing that at the start of each meeting, we will take stock of the previous one, to see changes or different behaviours around you during the previous week.

  9. You will come out of this coaching with greater maturity, ready to become a mother, having learnt how to prepare your cozy nest to welcome the precious being looking to  settle there. The results will be the reflection of your part in this process.

To book your free 30-minute phone call, please click here 

Grâce aux conseils d'Alison ainsi qu'à sa bienveillance, j'ai pu retrouver confiance en moi et être guidée tout au long de mon parcours avec elle. Son écoute attentive et sa compréhension m'ont été précieuses, me permettant d'atteindre mon objectif et d'obtenir mon examen. Un grand merci pour votre patience et votre aide inestimable. Je vous recommande Alison les yeux fermés.


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