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Feminine guidance
Women feeling good *

Women are often observed, a woman has to be 'operational'  in all circumstances, she has to be beautiful, healthy, available, for close friends and family, basically superwoman. Reality is quite different, you are in a feminine burn-out, you are tired of always managing everything, you can’t control your weight and you are submerged more often than you would like to be. You dream of shaking off this heaviness and starting again much lighter, luckily, you are in the right place.


PHOTOtherapy will provide you with personalized and precise support, adapted to YOUR needs, no matter what others’ opinions are, you are your priority today. 

I can help you to :


  1. get to know yourself better and learn to be kind to yourself 

  2. like yourself more and have more self-esteem

  3. take stock of your accomplishments and build on a positive way forward 

  4. receive privileged messages and advice though channeling

  5. get through each week in a different way 

  6. take up new challenges

  7. notice visible changes

  8. understand your weight gain (or loss) and finally find a way of getting  durable results

  9. free yourself from the chain preventing you from feeling good about yourself.  


At the end of every session, you'll be given certain (doable) challenges to take on before the next session. You'll receive a summary (by email) of the messages received together. These include details on the two connexions, after your choice of 2 photos, one positive choice and one negative.  You will receive revelations, some for the first time and others containing information you new, but chose to ignore.

* PHOTOtherapy, is  a complement to medical traitement and does in no way replace it. It provides emotional support, a trigger for self-healing and a way of opening up to new wellness methods.

To book your free 30-minute phone call, please click here

Grâce aux conseils d'Alison ainsi qu'à sa bienveillance, j'ai pu retrouver confiance en moi et être guidée tout au long de mon parcours avec elle. Son écoute attentive et sa compréhension m'ont été précieuses, me permettant d'atteindre mon objectif et d'obtenir mon examen. Un grand merci pour votre patience et votre aide inestimable. Je vous recommande Alison les yeux fermés.


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